AAARrrrrrghhh....being tis me birfday an also it being "speak like a pirate day", I's will combine me day with the two. Yarrrrrr....THIS IS A TANKS BE TO YOU KISS!! AARrrggghh...shiver me timbers, yous be some nice land lovers and I's tanks you fer all the happy well wishers and salty helloo's...whew~! Tough to speak pirate! @_@
I know it's a quick sketch, but I just wanted to say thanks! I know it's been awhile since I posted, but I plan to post more real soon. Cheers!
happy birthday girlie!!!! Have a fantastic day!
aaaaaggg ye be havign your self a happy burp day ye land lubber
Oh no!! I'm late on wishing you a happy birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEE!! I hope it was great! :)
Happy belated birthday! :) and thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. You are too kind.
I love your octopus by the way. Such a nice, colorful style you have! I wish i lived in LA so I could go to one of your shows.
Thank you guys!! I had a great birthday and I thank you for all the great wishes! ;)
So, so sorry about this, but YOU MADE THE LIST:
"Cutsypoo" tagged my blog and told me I have to pass the "tag" along. Sorry, but now you're it! (See my blog if you care/have time to participate. I won't be offended if you don't.)
colorful pretty piece!
That crab is teh awesome! Happy b-lated bday! May we meet in B-bank soon!!
Haha great work - hope you had a great birthday!
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